Senior Activities and Information

Senior Sunrise

What: An early start to senior year
When: Friday, August 16th, 6:00 AM
Where: Tom Zunino Stadium
Cost: Free!
Donuts and orange juice provided free of charge! Come watch the sun rise on your final year of high school.

Senior Parent Info Night

 When: Monday September 16th, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Where: VHS Main Gym


Cap and Gown Orders

Cap and Gown orders are happening now online! Go to the Jostens website to see all the options of graduation packages to order, or just to purchase the cap and gown by itself. Place your orders before March 31st!

Rental caps and gowns are available free of charge. The form for the rental caps and gowns will be available in the spring.

Senior Trip 2025

What: Senior Trip to Disneyland Resort
When: Thursday, May 22nd - Friday, May 23rd (tentative)
Where: Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA
Cost: $470.00
All registration information can be found on this info sheet.

Scholarship Night 2025

What: Local Scholarship Night; an evening where seniors receive the scholarships they won from local organizations
When: Tuesday, May 28th, 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Where: Main Gymnasium, Vacaville High School

Prom 2025

What: Senior Prom 2025, the final dance of the school year
When: Saturday, May 24th, 8:00 PM - Midnight
Where: Asian Art Museum, 200 Larkin St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Cost: TBD
Who: Seniors and their guests (non-VHS students allowed for this dance; underclassmen allowed if the guest of a senior) 

Yearbook Distribution

What: Distribution of the 2024-2025 yearbooks
When: TBD
Where: Steve Green Gym
Cost: $75
How to Order: Go to and enter the code 7096

Senior Sunset

What: An opportunity for the senior class to gather and watch the sun set on their final days of high school
Details: Pizza and water provided for free; bring yearbooks and lawn games and hang out!
When: Monday, June 2nd, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Back field behind main gymnasium
Cost: Free

Graduation Practice

What: A mandatory graduation practice session
When: Friday, June 6th, 2:00 PM
Where: Back field behind the VHS Main Gym
All seniors participating in the graduation ceremony must attend this practice session


What: A final celebration of your high school achievements
When: Saturday, June 7th, 9:00 AM
Where: Tom Zunino Stadium
Cost: Free
All seniors must be on the back field behind the VHS Main Gym by 8:00 AM; Tom Zunino Stadium Gates open at 8:00 AM for spectators; seating is first-come-first-serve

Grad Nite 2025

What: Sober Grad Nite 2025, a celebration for the graduates of the Class of 2025
When: Saturday, June 7th, 9:00 PM - 3:00 AM
Where: Vacaville High School Main Quad, Little Theater, and Main Gym
Cost: $65.00
Link to Purchase:

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